Early Childhood
Early childhood begins with dependence on others, and progresses towards self-reliance, and it is of great importance in an individual’s life. As his dependence on himself increases, and in it he begins to interact with what surrounds him, so he becomes able to deal with his environment, as his attitudes, values, and habits are formed in it, and he becomes able to distinguish wrong from right, and in general, this stage is considered the basis of personality, where It affects positively and negatively.
As for early childhood in its own sense, it means: the age stage that extends from the age of two years until the age of five, in which the basic skills of the child, such as: language, walking, and in which he becomes able to support himself.
It is worth noting that early childhood development passes through several aspects, namely: physical growth, physiological growth, sensory growth, emotional growth, linguistic growth, mental development, motor growth, and social development. In what comes focus on three important aspects, namely Social, mental, cognitive and linguistic development.